The Project Plan: Stage 1
Commenced early 2014 then suspended in order to complete Parish Plan. Continued from October 2014 to December 2014. Groundwork completed.
- Parish Council made decision to carry out a Neighbourhood Plan (NP).
- The NP area was registered with Herefordshire Council and subsequently designated.
- A grant application was made to the Community Fund and £4,900 was awarded.
- A decision was made to complete a Parish Plan that was being developed, before progressing with the NP.
- The PP was completed in October 2014 and work has now recommenced on the NP.
- The NP Steering Group is in place and it will confirm its constitution and terms of reference in December 2014.
- A logo for the NP activity has been designed and work has commenced on a dedicated website. The website opened during December 2014.
- Hold further consultations with Herefordshire Council’s Planning Support Officer.
- Hold initial consultations with an independent Planning Advisor.
- The draft programme for the NP was confirmed by the steering group in December 2014.
This stage is now complete.